Effortless DNS Filtering & Unmatched Security for ISPs

Protect your network, streamline compliance, and elevate subscriber experience.

DNS Filtering: A Complex and Ever-Evolving Burden

Time-consuming manual blocklist updates drain your resources.

The endless cycle of manual blocklist updates burdens your IT team, diverting them from high-value projects. This inefficient use of resources limits your ability to grow and protect your network effectively.

Outdated filtering leaves your network vulnerable to evolving threats.

Outdated filtering methods expose you to constantly evolving threats, putting your subscribers and reputation at risk. Navigating complex compliance requirements drains valuable resources and can lead to costly penalties.

Compliance complexities create risk and stifle innovation.

While you struggle with legacy filtering, your competitors may be seizing new opportunities with advanced security offerings. Complex compliance tasks stifle your ability to innovate, potentially leaving you behind.

"While you're bogged down with manual filtering, your competitors may already be innovating new security-focused revenue streams. Surfrion helps you gain a cutting-edge advantage."

The Future of DNS Filtering and Network Security

Simplify your network security and achieve effortless compliance with our cloud-based, managed DNS filtering solution. Leverage always-updated threat intelligence, centralized visibility, and our deep understanding of ISP needs.

Effortless Security

Automated, always-updated threat intelligence protects against malware, phishing, and more.

Streamlined Compliance

Simplify adherence to complex regulations with robust reporting and customizable filters.

Centralized Control

Gain real-time network visibility and optimize filtering with our intuitive interface.


Proactive identification of anomalies and emerging threats.

Transform Your Operations and Secure Your Subscribers

Reduced Operational Costs

Outsource DNS filtering management to save IT resources.

Enhanced Network Security

Proactive protection with high-accuracy filtering.

Compliance Confidence

Automated blocklist updates and reporting for streamlined compliance

Improved User Experience

Fast filtering, minimal false positives.

Scalable Solution

Grows seamlessly with your subscriber base.

Data-Driven Insights

Actionable analytics for optimization.

Free up your team to focus on innovation.

“Surfrion can help ISPs reduce filtering-related workload by up to 75%”.

Experience the Difference. Join Our Beta Program.

“Surfrion's DNS filtering service has been a lifesaver. It's significantly lightened our compliance workload."

Sukanya Gupta, Nodal Officer, Fibmesh IN Limited

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Surfrion ?

How does Surfrion integrate with my existing ISP infrastructure?

What types of threats does Surfrion protect against?

How does Surfrion address government-mandated filtering requirements?

What features are included in the Surfrion platform?

How does Surfrion improve my network security posture?

How does Surfrion simplify my compliance processes?

How is Surfrion priced?

Do you offer discounts for long-term contracts?

What kind of technical support is included?

Do you offer onboarding assistance?

Surfrion - Effortless DNS Filtering & Unmatched Security for ISPs | Product Hunt